A series of logos I designed for the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) used to brand their international programs and products.
The ABMS Portfolio Program logo combines the two "P"s from "Portfolio Program" into something that harkens and infinity symbol ∞, representing the continuing/never ending educational journey for medical practitioners facilitated by the program. The "infinity symbol PP" in a box was designed to be broken out and used as an icon for the Portfolio Program Mobile App, web favicon, ect. The stacked text that says "Portfolio Program" over ABMS is a tie in to the way the actual mothership ABMS logo is layed out. This was one of those logo projects that was 100+ sketches and tons of refining before getting to the final solution.
Visiting Scholars is an international program that partners ABMS with doctors in residence and medical students to do a research project, white paper, and poster session. The magnifying glass represents the precise research and discovery involved in the program.
The ABMS Conference 2015 Logo uses 3 colored links in C shapes connected, to literally and physically reference the conference's 3 C's in the tagline and theme of "connect, communicate, collaborate."
The ABMS Directory logo is supposed to look like the grids of a map, indicative of the MOC Directory's information guidance capabilities.